Sunday, May 17, 2020

How Neurons Communicate With Each Other Through Electrical...

1. Describe how neurons communicate with each other through electrical and chemical processes. Neurons communicate with each other through an electrochemical process in three steps (Stufflebeam, 2008). An electrical impulse will travel down the axon to axon terminals. This causes the vesicles to open and neurotransmitter molecules are released into the synaptic gap. Neurotransmitter molecules then cross the synaptic gap and enters the receptor sites located on the dendrites of the receiving neuron. The information is carried along axons and dendrites because of changes in electrical properties which we call action potential. An action potential is initiated when a messenger attaches itself to a receptor. This occurrence causes an electrical signal to be triggered and is generated through the neuron. Once the signal reaches the end of an axon, which is at the end of a neuron, a neurotransmitter molecule will return to the synaptic gap where they are received by the sending neuron and the process is repeated or are destroyed by enzymes (Griggs, 2014, p. 41-45). 2. The media talks about a popular class of psychopharmacology drugs called the SSRI’s. You may know someone currently taking one of these medications because they are frequently used for treating mood disorders such as depression. Please list and describe the neurotransmitters that are being targeted by the drugs and how these drugs work. While there are around 100 different chemicals that function asShow MoreRelatedEssay on Left Brain vs. the Right Brain916 Words   |  4 Pagesinformation and each lobe has its specific roles. What happens when damage to the brain occurs? How does it rewire itself to process information or learn new activities?. 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